Partner Visit from Spain

April 2023, we are so excited to welcome Mr. López (Partner of Uhealth Medical Group) to visit our Beijing office, also had a great tour of our factory. CEO Mrs. Zhai has accompany with Mr.López during the whole trip, meantime 2 leaders took this chance to dicuss Uhealth Medical Group strategic milestones in 2023,   also sharing ideas of the market trend, improvement plan of the main products in order to expand more business with European customers.

Mr. López had a brilliant impression of the corporate facility and development, and he had a taken several photos in our Beijing office.

Croatia Partner

Mid of April 2023, Uhealth Medical Group also have partner visit from Croatia, this partership has been established since 10 years ago.   Partners had a great experience of city tour and factory visit.   After pademic,   Uhealth has more opportunities to share experiences with international partners and clients.

We wish all our partners and customer the best in this year and hope we could communicate more in the future soon.